Just when you think you’ve adjusted to your new baby… you’ve found the right diapers and the right feeding schedule, you’ve solved any digestive issues. And then the tears start again. So, you might be wondering, Is my baby teething?
When Do Babies Start Teething?
Those first pearly whites begin erupting anywhere between four–seven months or up to one year old. Sometimes baby teeth can erupt much later, but that’s usually not cause for alarm. However, if there is no sign of any teeth coming through by the age of 18 months, then it’s certainly worth mentioning to your pediatrician.
What to Expect When Your Baby Is Teething
When your baby’s teeth are making their way through the gum line, it can be very uncomfortable and even painful. Teething symptoms may last a few days to several weeks, depending if one or several teeth are appearing at once. This process will go on for several years as their teeth appear in stages. Fortunately, the older they get, the less discomfort they will have.
In the meantime, let’s look at these common signs and symptoms of a teething baby. Your baby might display many or even all of these signs of discomfort.
- Drooling
- Irritability
- Crying
- Swollen gums
- Difficulty sleeping
- Teething rash
- Coughing, gag reflex
- Biting, chewing, and sucking on everything
- Rubbing face
- Rejecting food
- Grabbing ears
- Tooth edge felt through the gum line
- Visible tooth through the gums
How to Ease the Discomfort of Teething
At Peace Haven Family Dentistry, we recommend several natural options to ease your baby’s teething discomfort. We call them the five C’s.
- Chewing. Teething babies love to chew on anything and everything their mouths can come in contact with. Your baby will have a natural urge to bite down on things, whether it’s a toy, the furniture or even you! So, it’s best to provide as many safe options as possible. A cold, wet facecloth can work well in addition to traditional baby teething toys and rings. Baby stores sell a variety of teething rings that are easy for a baby to hold. Some teething rings are liquid filled and can be frozen to provide numbness to the affected area.
It’s wise to purchase several different teething rings. First, your baby may prefer one over another. Second, your baby can easily loose a teething ring in your car, behind/under the furniture, etc. Third, it’s impossible to avoid your baby dropping his/her teething ring on the floor. If you’re at home, you can easily rinse it off. But if you’re out in public, you’ll want one or more extra teething rings on hand for a quick replacement.
- Counterpressure. Teething rings, teething toys with a bumpy texture or even your clean finger can be used to provide pressure to the area.
- Cold drinks. When it’s safe to do so, you can provide cold water in a bottle or cup. The cold liquid will help to reduce the soreness in your baby’s gums.
- Cold food. If your baby is already eating solid foods, you may want to offer cold food, such as yogurt, blended fruit, and natural applesauce. You can also offer your child frozen fruits in a baby feeder mesh bag. Be sure your baby is always seated upright, and you are always supervising.
- Comfort. Take the time to offer your baby some extra love during this time period. Your baby will stay calmer knowing that you are also calm and loving.
Remember, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call your pediatrician. You are not alone.
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