
Dental Habits You Should Never Skip

You only get one set of adult teeth. And each tooth comes with a natural, protective enamel coating. Once this coating erodes, it cannot ‘grow’ back. At Peacehaven Family Dentistry, we’re on your team to help you care for your teeth the best way possible. We’ve created this quick list of three dental habits that you should never skip—no matter what.
Essential Dental Habit #1: Brushing Your Teeth Every Night
Maybe you fall asleep on the couch, then you wake up and […]

Dental Emergencies: Everything You Need to Know Today

Which Dental Emergencies Require a Dental Visit?

Accidents happen. You get injured participating in sports. You bite down on something hard and crack your tooth. Or you just wake up with tooth pain. Some situations require immediate attention from your dentist. And other issues may be resolved on your own with minor care. Let’s look at some dental emergencies and how you should handle them.
Lost or Knocked-Out Tooth
A permanent or adult tooth that’s fallen out requires immediate dental attention. The most […]

How to Find a Dentist You Like

Plus Important Questions to Ask Before Your First Visit
Whether you’ve moved to a new area or you’re not pleased with your current dentist or dental care, it can be stressful and challenging to search for a new dentist provider. In this article, we want to help you avoid the headaches of a dentist search and show you how to find a dentist you like.
1. Decide what you are looking for in a dentist.
Everyone is different and may have different […]

Should You Skip Your Dental Visit?

What Happens If You Skip Your Dental Visit?
It’s time for your semi-annual dental visit again. But you’re so busy! How can you find the time? Or maybe you’d rather avoid going to the dentist altogether. Your teeth are fine. You’re not experiencing any pain or discomfort. So, you can stretch the time between visits, right?
Well, you’d be taking a big risk. Peace Haven Family Dentistry—and the American Dental Association (ADA)—recommends scheduling a dental visit every six months, no matter your […]

Your Child’s First Dental Visit

Your baby’s teeth have started erupting through their gums. You’ve consulted your pediatrician with any teething questions and issues. You know you need to take your child to the dentist at some point. But when should you schedule his/her first dental visit?
When to Schedule Your Child’s First Dental Visit
At Peace Haven Family Dentistry, we recommend scheduling your child’s first dental visit between six months old and one year of age. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that your child’s […]

Is My Baby Teething?

Just when you think you’ve adjusted to your new baby… you’ve found the right diapers and the right feeding schedule, you’ve solved any digestive issues. And then the tears start again. So, you might be wondering, Is my baby teething?
When Do Babies Start Teething?
Those first pearly whites begin erupting anywhere between four–seven months or up to one year old. Sometimes baby teeth can erupt much later, but that’s usually not cause for alarm. However, if there is no sign of […]

Teeth Grinding: Causes and Solutions

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can occur in children, teens, and adults—even seniors. In fact, approximately 15% to 33% of children grind their teeth. This usually happens either at the time they begin teething (tooth eruption) and during the time that their permanent teeth are emerging.
If you only clench or grind your teeth occasionally, then you probably won’t suffer any major consequences. But if you are a chronic teeth grinder, you may be damaging your teeth on a regular basis.
Causes of […]

Haven’t Been to the Dentist in a While

When You Haven’t Been to the Dentist in a While
Here’s What You Can Expect…
Has it been a while since your last dental visit? It happens. You may not have had insurance coverage. You may have become busy with life. You may have a fear of the dentist. Or you may be a little embarrassed that it’s been so long. If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, you’re not alone.
At Peace Haven Family Dentistry, we understand, and we […]

Summer Care for Your Teeth

Thinking about summer care for your teeth? Probably not.
We are deep into summer, which means many of you have been on vacation or are still planning to head away to a summer destination. While you’re in vacation mode, it’s easy to “bend the rules” for both you and your children and say, “Oh, we’re on vacation. Let’s treat ourselves.” And while we all deserve a treat, it’s still important to stick to some healthy routines to balance all of your […]

How Invisalign Will Change Your Look

Have you been wishing for that perfect, confident smile? 
Four decades ago, the only option to straighten teeth was to use traditional braces with glue and brackets and wires, which can be uncomfortable and cause sores in the mouth from friction.
At Peace Haven Family Dentistry, we offer our patients the newest and most proven techniques and tools to help give you the best smile possible. Today, there is a newer and much more convenient option to straighten your teeth: Invisalign clear […]

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