
How to Reduce Your Sugar Intake

5 Easy Tips for Better Oral Health
Who doesn’t love a sweet treat? Most of us do… and, yes, even dentists do. But we know that, like anything else, too much of a good thing isn’t good for us at all. So, whether you’ve got a sweet tooth or are looking to curb your sugar intake to lose weight—consuming less sugar is great for your oral health. Read on if you want to know how to reduce your sugar intake.
What’s So […]

When You Should Replace Your Toothbrush

The Truth about When You Should Replace Your Toothbrush
…Or Your Electric Toothbrush Head
Do you want to have the healthiest teeth possible? There’s one way you can help ensure that just by spending a few extra dollars a year. Simply replace your toothbrush when needed. But how do you know when it’s time for a new toothbrush?
The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends replacing your toothbrush or electric toothbrush head every six months. Many dentists recommend that you replace your toothbrush every […]

Best Vitamins if You Want Strong Teeth

The Best Vitamins if You Want Strong Teeth
While genetics can play a role in your dental health, there is much that you can control, including your daily habits and what you eat. Both vitamins and minerals are essential ingredients for the health of your body—and the strength of your teeth. Let’s look at the best vitamins for strong teeth that you can incorporate into your diet today.
Calcium is one of the most essential minerals for strong teeth, gums, and bones. […]

5 Ways Dental Crowns Save Your Teeth

Are your teeth damaged and need repair?
Do you experience reoccurring oral discomfort?
Have you considered dental crowns?
Dentists have used dental crowns for more than 100 years because they add substantial support to teeth that have been weakened by decay or injury. Restore your smile to alleviate oral discomfort with this versatile solution that corrects numerous health and cosmetic concerns.

Repair decaying teeth.
Restore damaged teeth.
Secure a dental bridge.
Cover dental implants.
Cover fillings from cavities.
And more

What Are Dental Crowns?
Customized to cover your tooth above your […]

Braces vs. Invisalign: How to Know Which Is Better for You

Braces vs Invisalign: Which Do Dentists Prefer?
Whether you desire the smile of your dreams or are tired of living with discomfort due to crowded teeth, straightening your smile is a decision that can help improve your health and boost your self-esteem. 
While various practices have been developed to help realign your teeth, most patients and dental professionals still prefer both traditional metal braces and Invisalign®. Why? Each option has distinct advantages, including decreasing your chances of these dental issues:

Gum disease
Decaying teeth
Bone […]

Know How to Prevent and Treat Gum Recession

Know How to Prevent and Treat Receding Gums
Don’t Ignore Your Sensitive Teeth
Do you have receding gums? Knowing how to prevent and treat receding gums is one of the best ways to maintain oral health throughout your lifetime.
You may have receding gums and not realize it. The truth is that gum recession happens so gradually that most people don’t realize they have an issue until they begin to experience side effects, such as bleeding after brushing or flossing; red, swollen gums; […]

Dental Care During Pregnancy

When you become pregnant, things about your body start changing in both small and big ways. And while you may be focused on visiting other doctors to monitor the progress of your pregnancy and your baby’s health, it’s also essential to continue visiting your dentist on a regular schedule. At Peace Haven Family Dentistry, we want to help ensure that your oral health stays in prime condition.
Why Dental Care During Pregnancy Is Important
With so many changes going on, you may […]

6 Main Reasons Why You Get Tooth Decay

Most everyone in their lives will experience at least one cavity. Depending on the location and severity of tooth decay, or a cavity, you may feel mild to moderate pain, extreme pain or no pain at all. In fact, when caught early, many patients don’t know they have a cavity until their regular dental exam.
So, why do you get tooth decay? The reasons why people get cavities can be boiled down to six main culprits:

Poor oral hygiene: Not brushing and […]

Dental Fear & Anxiety: How We Help You

We Want You to Be as Comfortable as Possible
Are you a little afraid of going to the dentist? If you have dental fear or anxiety, you’re not alone. At Peace Haven Family Dentistry, we understand, and we want you to be as comfortable as possible. So, no matter what your level of anxiety may be, we are your partner in achieving better dental health and better overall health.
Managing Your Dental Anxiety
The good news is that there are a few things […]

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

Let’s face it. No one likes to show off yellow, dingy teeth. Tooth discoloration may even make you less likely to smile.
The best defense for yellowing teeth is to prevent it altogether: limit or avoid your consumption of coffee, tea, soda, red wine, cigarettes, tobacco, and food with dyes. For some people, this may be a tall order. And what if your teeth are already discolored?
The Truth about Teeth Whitening
Whitening teeth is a practice that has been around for decades. […]

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